"Unmatched Elegance Meets Cutting Edge Performance in Networking"

"Unmatched Elegance Meets Cutting Edge Performance in Networking"


Three Design Layouts:
Experience a bespoke layout crafted to mirror your brand’s vision. Our design experts ensure your GoCard resonates with your identity, employing a visual language that speaks volumes before a word is read.

Company Logo:
Your brand’s beacon, prominently placed for immediate recognition. It’s not just a logo; it’s the emblem of your promise, your identity, and your professional ethos, rendered with crystal clarity.

Profile Photo:
A polished, professional profile image that ensures a stellar first impression. (Provided by Client) Need a new one? We have a professional studio that can produce magazine quality profile photos and headshots for our clients. Our team then meticulously refines your profile photo, ensuring every pixel reflects the professionalism and charisma you bring to the table.

Custom Home Screen Icon:
Instant access, unmistakably yours. We create a unique icon for your GoCard by integrating your professional headshot, making it a staple on your home screen and a constant in your networking arsenal.

About Profile:
A dedicated space to showcase a second photo of you and your professionally crafted bio below that tells your story, highlights your expertise, & connects you on a personal level with your audience creating a call to action to connect with you today!

Professionally Written Bio:
Your personal and business biography expertly crafted by our copyright team that draws your audience closer to you and portrays your journey, your ethos, and the unique value you bring to your professional landscape. This of course, can be used on all your platforms.


App Share Interface:
Seamless connectivity at your fingertips. Share your GoCard across any app, bridging the gap between you and your network with effortless, intuitive interactions.

Add your Icon to Home Screen in Seconds:
Simplicity meets sophistication. Add your personalized GoCard icon to your home screen swiftly, ensuring your digital business card is always just a tap away.

All Social Available Media & Third-Party Icons:
A full spectrum of connectivity. Tap to: Call/Text Mobile, Call Office, send email, visit your website, and so much more! Offer your contacts the luxury of choice all housed under your digital roof.

Infinity Engine:
Unleash boundless possibilities with your GoCard, boasting an endless array of icons presented in a sleek, swipeable interface. Experience unparalleled organization that outshines even your phone’s home screen, keeping every essential at your fingertips with elegant ease.

Virtual Contact Card (VCF):
The modern handshake. Share and receive contact information digitally, ensuring all your key contact details are stored, shared, and retrievable with a simple tap.

Text / Share Card Link:
Simplify your outreach with a tap. Share your GoCard link effortlessly, transforming every text or platform share into a dynamic introduction of you. You are no longer just a phone number, but a vibrant digital showcase, providing a clear window into who you are, your appearance, and the esteemed company you represent.

NFC Air Card:
Embrace the future of networking. Tap and share your GoCard using (NFC) Near Field Communication enabled devices, simplifying the way you connect in the digital age.


App Share Interface:
Seamless connectivity at your fingertips. Share your GoCard across any app, bridging the gap between you and your network with effortless, intuitive interactions.

Add your Icon to Home Screen in Seconds:
Simplicity meets sophistication. Add your personalized GoCard icon to your home screen swiftly, ensuring your digital business card is always just a tap away.

All Social Available Media & Third-Party Icons:
A full spectrum of connectivity. Tap to: Call/Text Mobile, Call Office, send email, visit your website, and so much more! Offer your contacts the luxury of choice all housed under your digital roof.

Infinity Engine:
Unleash boundless possibilities with your GoCard, boasting an endless array of icons presented in a sleek, swipeable interface. Experience unparalleled organization that outshines even your phone’s home screen, keeping every essential at your fingertips with elegant ease.

Virtual Contact Card (VCF):
The modern handshake. Share and receive contact information digitally, ensuring all your key contact details are stored, shared, and retrievable with a simple tap.

Text / Share Card Link:
Simplify your outreach with a tap. Share your GoCard link effortlessly, transforming every text or platform share into a dynamic introduction of you. You are no longer just a phone number, but a vibrant digital showcase, providing a clear window into who you are, your appearance, and the esteemed company you represent.

NFC Air Card:
Embrace the future of networking. Tap and share your GoCard using (NFC) Near Field Communication enabled devices, simplifying the way you connect in the digital age.


Google Analytics:
Gain insightful data on your GoCard’s performance, understanding your audience better with powerful analytics. Decipher your digital footprint. Understand how your audience interacts with your GoCard with detailed analytics, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and refine your digital strategy. With each PDF report, you are not just informed; you’re empowered to navigate the digital landscape with newfound clarity and confidence, ensuring your GoCard doesn’t just reach your audience… it resonates with them.


Social Media Tile:
Deploy an eye-catching 1×1 high-resolution advertisement that showcases your GoCard, brand-new domain name & your Dynamic GoCode designed to captivate your audience. With a simple tap or scan, your GoCard springs to life on their device, extending an invitation to connect in an instant. This is your key to enhancing your digital presence across all social media platforms, inviting engagement & creating connections like never before. Watch your network grow, one scan at a time.

Printable & Trackable GoCode:
Introduce a scannable GoCode that effortlessly connects to your GoCard, harmoniously blending digital ease with the authentic touch of print media. Elevate every facet of your print and digital marketing by embedding your GoCode across all your initiatives, ensuring your brand’s presence is omnipresent and effortlessly accessible!


Most Updates completed in 1 Business Day:
Stay current, stay relevant. Enjoy the agility of having your GoCard updated within one business day, ensuring your digital presence is always in sync with your evolving business. Update times may vary depending on the scope of work requested.

GoCard Server Back Up System:
With unparalleled diligence, our servers undergo a comprehensive backup every 8 hours, meticulously safeguarded both remotely and in secure offline storage. This robust protocol ensures that, in the unlikely event of a breach or hack, we’re equipped to swiftly activate a reset, deleting any nefarious code or breach and seamlessly reinstating services for our clients within moments. It’s not just a backup system; it’s your peace of mind, guaranteeing uninterrupted excellence and security for your digital presence.